Famous Creators


mozartWolfgang Amadeus Mozart:

Mozart was believed to have autism. He was said to be in need of constant motion of his hands and feet, had repeated facial expressions, and had sensitive hearing. He was a prolific artists and child prodigy who composed a string of operas, concertos, symphonies and sonatas that profoundly shaped classical music.

Tim_Burton_by_Gage_SkidmoreTim Burton:

Tim’s wife, Helena Bonham Carter, diagnosed him with Asperger’s syndrome when she noticed so many of the symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome with her husband’s traits while watching a documentary. Tim is a successful director, producer and screenwriter know for films such as Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands.

lcarrollLewis Carroll:

This is esteemed author of the children’s classics “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking-Glass” was determined by historians of Dublin’s Trinity College that he would have been diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome.

Unknown-1Albert Einstein:

This German-born physicist known for developing the theory of relativity showed many similar traits to those of an autistic person. He had difficulty with social interactions, found language difficult at times, had difficulty learning in school and more. He is considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century.


Two doctors have concluded that “Michaelangelo’s single-minded work routine, unusual lifestyle, limited interests, poor social and communication skills and various issues of life control appear to be features of high function autism or asperger’s syndrome.” Michelangelo is one of the most famous artists of he Italian Renaissance, known for his works David and the Sistine Chapel Frescoes.

Note: All of these creators (with the exception of Tim Burton) have not been confirmed to have a form of ASD as such diagnoses were not available at the time, nor are they confirmed Autistic Savants, although historians believe that they were likely to have these conditions. 

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